Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Roadside Restroom

We've all been there at least once... "I HAVE TO GO POTTY... NOW!" Those frantic moments where you desperately search for a safe spot on the side of a highway or freeway to take your little one to relieve themselves. Why is it so easy for little kids and men to do? Why is it so much harder for women? LOL Here's the latest on this topic. ENJOY!
Casualty #1: 3 year old has to pee. NOW. Highway offramp is as good a place as any


Ahhh I can relate to that on one too many occasions. Dex had to take a roadside turd once

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dirt n Baths

Why do kids like to get dirty? And why do they not mind being dirty? Now granted, there are a few who mind, and they mind a LOT. Our kids are not part of the latter group. 
The following is a short conversation about kids n' dirt

Here's my view. Why do kids love to get dirty?!?!?

Haha no idea. You can do much in the dirt!

I run out of ideas right after "get dirty". hahaha

haha yeah watching that is like watching an hour and a half
of your night slipping through your fingers cuz (in my house
at least) bath time is a huge ordeal