Any real mom knows how hard it is to keep a house clean when you have children and husbands running around. Breakfast, clean, snack, clean, lunch, clean, clean clean clean, dinner, clean and clean some more. Even working women can understand the woes of of the wife. Some of us are lucky and their husbands help out, but in the end, most of the cleaning falls on us (if we want it done right anyway).
The following chat is our Kitchen Confessional
My house is a disaster right now! Even when I get it clean before
bed, somehow in the morning I wake up to a nice mess again
Okay so I'll show you my kitchen if you show me yours.
Oh, it's ON sistah! I'll send you a nice panoramic view! LOL
Hahahahahaha Okay me too!!
You asked for it!
The pic doesn't show the full spectrum of the crumbs and coffee
mug circle on the counter unfortunately, but trust me, they're
there! I usually wait till the kids are in bed before I do any serious
kitchen cleaning because then I don't feel like I'm wasting time.
Wow I'm impressed. I am mainly impressed with how much
counter space I see. Hahahahaha
Hahahahah Well I try to keep it clear because it makes me feel
like I don't have as much of a battle. I just pile everything in
the sink.
K warning: I have a teeny galley kitchen so I did both sides
so you could get the real deal. Don't judge.

That's NOTHIN! Pile all that stuff in the sink and you have
less than me!!! Your kitchen is gorgeous BTW.